



Thank you to you and Suzanne for my "souvenir" gift of a string of 100 purple lights. What fun! I'm attaching a photo of myself with the lights around my neck as a necklace and my one-year-old grandson Ollie on my lap inspecting the lights.



I love going to tea and try to do so whenever my husband and I travel.  I have had tea at Harrods in London, the Empress in Victoria B.C.,  and the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island  as well as lots of other lesser known but just as nice teahouses. Not surprising then that my twin granddaughters now 7 1/2 have hosted some great tea parties at my house over the years. Just this past Halloween they had one for their aunt, my daughter, and her husband, as Halloween is also their anniversary.  She's wearing the elaborate hat I had bought  her in an Asheville, NC tearoom. Your Friend, Pat

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