“Friends” Growing in My Garden


The common name for my new desert cassia is a Scrambled Egg tree. Wispy leaves and branches with yellow flowers. When I announced to my husband that we had to make sure the tree was watered every day for a few weeks, he asked me, “Are you talking to the tree, too?” I’ve made him a believer.

Notice the two trees in the pots. One is on each side of the door. My friend owned this shop for many years and when she closed the store she asked if I would take care of the trees. Below are photos of the trees now. I have to continually trim and shape them because they grow so quickly.

The two needy plants my friend dropped off to me, are the only plants I have in the house. It's been a rule of mine, not to have houseplants because I have enough to tend to outdoors (we live in Florida). But until the two plants are totally healthy, they have a home on my sewing table.

(Below) This coleus decided where it wanted to grow. I can't even imagine how a seed from another plant landed in the concrete and took hold. I hand water it and it thrives.


A milkweed plant who decided, on its own, where it wants to live. It has Monarch butterfly eggs on it, so caterpillars will be munching on it soon.

My gardens are filled with “volunteers”. Flowers that simply show up, from who knows where.