
Suzanne’s Online PJ Party

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The importantance of pajama's! I'm 47 and have pj's with dogs on them and a set with monkeys on them. Their important because they make me so happy when I put them on! A dignified pattern just won't do. The sillier the better. Rebecca


My family had five children and my two younger brothers were only 15 months apart. One Christmas eve they had been sent to bed but of course couldn’t sleep with all the excitement in the air! The older 3 children were sitting in the living room with my parents looking at the Christmas tree when we heard giggles coming from the hallway. A quick glance showed two round red tummies poking out from the hallway – my brothers dressed in their bright red pajamas with feet…40 years later I remember it like it was yesterday. Christmas at home surrounded by love… Linda



When I was young my mom made our pajamas - mostly nightgowns, which I loved - and they matched my sisters. I wear t-shirts with my favorite, favorite, flannel pj bottoms now. I get too hot to wear full blown pj's - that dasterdly menopause is not nice sometimes.

When I get home from work the first thing I do is change into my flannel pj bottoms!!!! I love to be comfortable and if I could wear them out I would. Josie


PJ13Hi Suzanne,

I love pj’s. I usually buy themselves and have all the kinds you mentioned. I do not care, I love them all, depending on my mood will depend on what I put on. The picture I sent is one of my kids in their pj’s. They are much cuter than me J


OMG Suzanne,

You were so dang cute!

My daughter Nikki gets pajamas from her aunt every year too. It’s what Debra likes to get her nieces.

Nikki always thinks they are the coolest and cannot wait till Christmas night to sleep in them. She’s nineteen now and in her second year of college but I know she still looks forward to getting those pajamas.

Hope you still get pajamas too J Thanks for sharing with us. Marian


Hi Suzanne

Loved your picture in your pj's from your grandmother.

I don't have any memories from my childhood; but, right now I love having some of my dad's old flannel pj's to keep warm in. Dad passed away 6 years ago and now these pj's keep me warm inside and out!

Sorry not to have a picture but I love cuddling up with my flannel pj's, a warm blanket, my two cats and either reading or crocheting--such comfort!

Enjoy your pajama party, I am. Jeanette

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