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I started the tradition of red Christmas pajamas when my children were just babies. The PJs were the only christmas present that they got to open on Christmas Eve. Although they outgrew red footie PJs to soon for me, they still insist on their Christmas pajamas. This year, my 23 year old daughter asked if they made footie pajamas for adults.
Now I have step grandbabies, I continue the tradition. Only now I have added a Christmas book with the pajamas. After they open their present and take a bath, They sit in "Pops" lap and read the new book. I am proud to pass on this tradition along with my love of books. Mary
Dear Suzanne ~
When I was in middle school, we moved to Kansas and lived in a great old house built in the 1920's. Despite its abundance of charm, it was very cold and drafty in the winters. Our bedrooms were upstairs and the floors were hardwood and oh so chilly stepping out on them from our warm beds in the morning. We wore long full flannel nightgowns and fought to stand over the floor heater vents to get dressed -- our night gowns acting as tents to trap the warm air. Unfortunately I have no photos but lots of great memories... Bev
Dear Suzanne
I have to tell you about not my pjs but a pair I made for my second son(s). When my second son was about 2, I made a pair of flannel pjs from leopard material. You guessed it, I put a tail on the pants. Of course they were his favorites. When he out grew them, then the third son wore them and finally the fourth son! The knees were shot and the tail joining had to be reinforced several times before I had to send them to the rag bag. They were sooooo much fun and well loved! I really wish we had taken pictures!! Patricia
Pjs and Pjs! I don't know how the tradition started but it has been all a long in my life as long as I remembered. Every new year (Chinese year), my mother would buy us kids a new set of pjs. I don't remember much of our feelings toward receiving it because after a almost-dead accident many years ago, I lost of most of my childhood memories. However, I, somehow, know how much I love this tradition, so this past year, we started this tradition again with my new family. Pjs were the most precious gift I have received this past Christmas. Whenever I wore it, it reminded me of how much love have spread in our little family. They made me feel protected. T
Christmas time was always an occasion to get new pajamas, to wait for Santa to come, and to look good in pictures taken that morning. It has always been a tradition in our family; now that we are grown up, my sister and I continue the tradition. I live in Canada, she lives in Virginia. We cannot always be together for Christmas so we take turns buying Christmas Pajamas and mailing them to each other. We wear them on Christmas eve and this is our way of being “together”. One year we did have a chance to be together for Christmas so I am sending the picture of my sister, my nieces and me in our Christmas pajamas. Thank you for allowing me to share this memory…it is so good to read with friends. Bernita
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