
Suzanne’s Online PJ Party

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Hi Suzanne,

PJ10What a fun idea! Attached is a picture of me in a play I starred in my senior year. I loved Drama class & acting in general. My character, "Jumpin' Jessica" (she wanted to be a lady wrestler), is standing over an intruder who came into her family's home during the night. I have on tiger pj's, they even had feet! Our school mascot was the tiger, so that influenced my choice. LOL

It was a fun time in my life & you've given me a chance to re-visit the memories. They were special & precious to me.

Thanks, Suzanne, it's so great to read along with you! Best, Kay

Hi Suzanne:

This past year, we had family pictures scheduled. I agonized the entire day of the appointment, trying to figure out what we could all wear so that we were color coordinated, and looked good - a pretty difficult feat with my three kids of varying ages, and my husband whose favorite outfit is one of his 20 t-shirts and slacks.

It came to me as a joke - my 5 year old daughter had been home all day and wouldn't get out of her pyjamas. I was talking to my mom, telling her that I couldn't decide what we all should wear, and I joked that maybe we should go in our pyjamas. Thoughout the afternoon, I kept thinking about it...why not? I pitched the idea to my husband ()who is much harder to dress up than even than my most stubborn kids); and he thought it was a great idea. So, we each put on our favourite pair of pyjamas and grabbed our stuffed animals, and off we went. Our 2010 family photo is of us having a pyjama party! It was a fun thing to do, but more than that, it is a fun memory! Amanda


Dear Suzanne,

PJ11I am continuing your tradition of annual PJs for the granddaughters, except I give them the PJs at Thanksgiving when the girls are together at their grandparents' house. I have 4 granddaughters ages 9,8,7 & 5- I call them the Little Women. In order, oldest to youngest, they are Isis, Morgan, Ariel & Rachael. Each girl has 1 sister, and 2 cousins who are sisters. For the last 5 or 6 years we have gathered in Williamsburg, VA, and the girls get their new matching PJs on Thanksgiving evening. On Friday morning my talented son takes their photo in the PJs. We have a series of annual photo of the girls in their matching Thanksgiving PJs- the latest is attached. My favorite is from several years ago-- all 4 are in their pink flannel cowgirl PJs. Even though they are getting older, they still enjoy romping together in their new duds. The annual PJs are a tradition they look forward to. Bonnie


The picture is at home somewhere and wish I had it here at work to send you. I was about 10 years old and received red nylon 3-piece pj's. Top and bottom and then the chiffon like robe to cover. It was so grown-up for a little girl. As I became a teen, the greatest PJ's ever was a white long sleeved shirt from my dad. I rolled up the sleeves and it came about thigh-length and was perfect for sleeping. Nice white cotton. I wore one of these through highschool and college and my best friend got one, as well. Dad could always supply us with more.

Now, 40 years later, I'm a gowns girl, about knee-length. You are always just so much FUN, Suzanne ! Thanks for your pictures too ! Teri

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