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My mother tried to dress my sisters and I alike, even when it came to our pajamas. She was especially fond of the footed pj’s, and I recall the sound they made as we shuffled across the kitchen floor. Attached is a picture of my sisters and I with our footed pajamas.
I lost my mom 6 months ago. Thanks for allowing me to bring up such a sweet memory of her.
I am so grateful for your book club and the terrific book suggestions. You have introduced me to books I never would have known existed.
Nancy ______________________________
I have a very funny memory about pj's, whenever I was a little girl. It was a few days before Christmas and the beautifully wrapped gift box, with my name on it, was more than I could handle! I decided to be be a very bad girl and take it to the bathroom to peek and see what was inside! With my tongue hanging out of my mouth, I carefully pulled back the paper, and to my amazement, I got it open without any major damage! Guess what was inside! Pajamas and a robe:) Now, for a 10 year old girl that really wasn't what I had hoped for! However, On Christmas day, My acting skills kicked in and I screamed with delight! I never opened or peeked at a Christmas gift again!!! – Regina
Suzanne, I'm wearing a cozy pair of flannel pajamas, light blue with pastel stars, as I write this. My favorite pajama memory is from my childhood. When I was a young child, to keep my little head from exploding, my parents would let me open one present on Christmas Eve. It took me years to catch on that the present I opened, suggested to me by my mother, always was pajamas. But the mission was a success. I got to rip the paper off a box with near-rabid glee, and I was wearing a spanking-new pair of footed pajamas in the Christmas pictures the next morning. What a fun contest, and I love the picture of you as a little girl! -- Donna
Hi Suzanne…what fun with PJ’s. My most recent memory comes from my husband who, for Christmas, would by me PJ’s. They were great PJ’s but the only thing happening there is that I don’t wear anything to bed. Now I don’t mean to be TMS but wouldn’t you think he would notice that?! J Five years running, I get PJ’s. Which he hears “I love them.” Why burst his bubble! Gwen
Growing up in Indiana in an old farmhouse, the winters were cold and drafty. I always got flannel nightgowns. How boring. But one Christmas my grandmother got me the most delicious impractical pajamas in the world. Pink “baby doll” pajamas with ruffles and lace. I really couldn’t wear them in the dead of the winter and stay warm, but knowing they were waiting for me when warm weather hit was a hope to hang onto. That was the only time I ever remember getting delightful, impractical p.j.’s as a child. I love it that one of my memories of my farm-wife grandmother showed that she had a secret playful, fun side to her also. Kathleen ______________________________
Hi Suzanne,
Today's column about getting pj's every Christmas brought back warm memories for me. Every Christmas my Grandma would get me new pj's too. We would spend Christmas Eve with my Grandparents and we were allowed to open their Christmas presents. I would always look forward to seeing what kind of pj's I would be getting. May very favorite ones that particular Christmas were not the two piece variety. It was a red and white flannel plaid gown. But not just any gown type pj's. No, sir. This made me look (and feel) like a real Christmas Princess. I think I wore those every night during Christmas vacation. I would dance around because the gown would swirl when I turned around. That particular Christmas vacation, I would spend the evenings in my bedroom with my hairbrush for a microphone and sing Christmas songs to my dolls (who were my audience). I wish I had a picture of those pj's to share with you.
Thank you for bringing back some nice memories for all of your readers. You are truly a treasure and a pleasure to read with. Kim
My memory to share is not from childhood. In fact, it was “only” 25 years ago. We were on our honeymoon and stopped to shop at a Banana Republic store. They used to feature product descriptions that were great fun to read, so colorful that it almost dared you not to buy the product. I was hooked on “the Artisans Nightshirt.” It brought to mind long, winter evenings writing and reading in a cozy loft.
The nightshirt was great, but a few rips and tears over the years finally reduced it to disposal by my wife (although she has never really confessed to it!)
Banana Republic has changed the focus of their products and marketing, so you won’t find the Artisans Nightshirt there now. However, this contest might cause another reader to say “I know about that shirt, and I know where you can get one now!” If so, please feel free to play matchmaker and help me exchange contact and or product info.
Thanks, and sweet dreams. Dennis
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