

Book Clubs



One Book Read


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Book forum

Readers can share their comments about the books they’re reading in our Online Book Forum. Frequently, authors will jump into the discussion. Our staff moderates the postings several times a day.

Readers use the forum as a reader advisory tool. They check out the forum before deciding what books they’d like to read. It also encourages people to read other genres.

My Sister's KeeperSome books like My Sister’s Keeper raised a lot of opinions from readers. The book deals with how far parents should go to save a child’s life.

Read their comments...


In-house discussion lists

We include three discussion lists. These can be used to exchange information between staff members, volunteers, and contributors.

A discussion list is configured to allow all list members to send email to the entire group. Messages can be moderated (if desired) and are distributed in real-time (when they are posted) or in a digest/summary format (once a day or week).

Discussion lists not only allow many users to share information and ideas with a group, but also bring together people who otherwise would not reach one another.

Your discussion lists can be moderated (each message is reviewed by the administrator before posting) or unmoderated (all messages are posted without review).


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