

Book Clubs



One Book Read


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Dear Librarian,

My entire life I’ve encouraged people to read books.

In 1999, one of my employees told me, “Suzanne, I cook, I clean, I take care of my family and I work part time for you. I can’t find time to shave my legs and you want me to read a book?” That’s when I started emailing book excerpts to my employees.

After just a few days, they were hooked on the book, and I realized I had discovered a way to get people back into reading. And today, over 270,000 people start their morning with a 5-minute read from their local library.

This is a wonderful program for any library, and as you’ll see, it goes way beyond my original morning email.

Thanks for reading with me. It’s so good to read with friends.

Suzanne Beecher

Suzanne Beecher welcomes you.

A Turnkey Program...

These services can be up and running at your library in a few days, with virtually no staff time required.

  • 11 daily book clubs
  • 18 monthly newsletters
  • 5 custom newsletters
  • Reader book forum
  • 3 in-house discussion lists
  • Web content and pages
  • Reader guides
  • One Book Read
  • Book give aways
  • Author participation
  • User statistics
  • Learn more...

Marketing Assistance...

We’ve developed an entire website with graphics, animations, flyers, bookmarks, promotional ideas and suggestions from other librarians. Take a look...

For example, insert a few lines of code from our marketing site and you’ll have these revolving book jackets showing the books featured that week. Images automatically update each week.

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Unlimited Support...

We never charge for support. If you have a question, we want to find the answer. It doesn’t matter if it involves our product or someone else’s. Like a good reference librarian, we’re here to help.

We’re expert problem solvers and we appreciate your feedback, good or bad.  In fact, A Complaint Is A Gift, is one of Suzanne’s all time favorite books.

A Complaint Is A Gift. Click to read.

 Read an excerpt...

©2005 -             1002 S. Orange Ave.,  Sarasota, Florida 34236             941-373-0700