

Book Clubs



One Book Read


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Daily Book Clubs

Bite size samples of books.

There’s a reason why Procter & Gamble spends millions sending out product samples: it works. Likewise, if you want to get people hooked on a book, send them the book. Reviews are ok, but nothing works better than the real thing.

“My mom signed me up for this thing. I wasn't too happy, but then I started to read some of the entries and sorta got hooked.”

“This book is not at all what I would typically pick up, but then that is what is so terrific about your book club!”

“I'm sure you hear it all the time, but I can't believe how much I love reading again.”

“I am 77.  My eyes don't work for driving, backpacking is out. Your morning visits with exciting people I love is just wonderful.”

Daily book clubs...

Offer Daily Book Clubs in your community and see how quickly people get hooked on reading. Readers can sample a wide variety of books and join multiple book clubs.

  • Nonfiction
  • Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Teen
  • Pre-Publication
  • Audio
  • Horror
  • Good News
  • Business
  • Science Fiction

Reach out to everyone including; teens, seniors, visually impaired, shut-ins, and people who don’t visit your library.

Our recipe for success...

Library friendly books...

Our staff checks over 100 catalogs to make sure that libraries already own copies of the books that we feature in the book clubs. We avoid only current best sellers, because they are already in demand.

Advance notice...

We provide libraries with eight weeks advance notice on books featured at the clubs. See list...

Add daily content...

The daily emails are customized for your library and you can add your own daily content. A simple web interface allows you to log in and enter events, links, late breaking news and other information.

Promote other services...

The daily emails are a great place to promote other services, encourage volunteers and increase traffic on your website. It’s like having your own daily newspaper.

Teen Book Club...

Teens are online already, so the Online Teen Book Club is a natural. Teens write the daily introductions.

Pre-Publication Book Club...

Read books before they’re available to the public. Our “Prepub” book club gives readers a sneak preview of soon to be published books.

Audio Book Club...

Sit  back, relax, listen, and  enjoy a daily dose of well-read  books from  a veritable  garden of selections.

No limit on subscribers...

Patrons can sign up for multiple book clubs and we encourage them to forward the emails to friends and get them to sign up too.

Virtually no staff time...

We do the work and you get the credit. The Online Book Clubs require virtually no staff time. Once we set you up, all you need to do is tell people about it and they’ll tell their friends.

©2005 -             1002 S. Orange Ave.,  Sarasota, Florida 34236             941-373-0700