

Book Clubs



One Book Read


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Recipe for Success...

Every day we receive and respond to over 300 emails from readers. They tell us about their families, their pets, their blunders, how a book made them cry or laugh and how grateful they are that their library offers the Online Book Clubs.

After five years, we think we know why the daily emails have created such a dedicated group of library readers.

bullet_blue_12pxWe let people read the actual book. “Nothing works like the book.”

bullet_blue_12pxWe make it convenient and we send a daily reminder. “You’ve got mail.”

bullet_blue_12pxWe only ask for five minutes. Even busy people can spare five minutes.

bullet_blue_12pxWe develop a relationship with readers. “It’s so good to read with friends.”

Suzanne making her "Disappearing Chocolate Cake."

Why chocolate cake..?

When Suzanne told readers about her “Disappearing Chocolate Cake,” thousands of them downloaded her recipe. Read more...

When Suzanne wrote about not being able to stand on her head, the U.S. Olympic Men’s Gymnastics Coach emailed her from Athens with suggestions. Read more...

When an army captain sent his recipe for Ranger Pudding, Suzanne got in touch with his hometown library and newspaper. Read more...

Suzanne’s “slice-of-life” column connects with readers and keeps them coming back, even when they get too busy, or they don’t care for a book.

Remodel_smlIt builds a sense of community, creates goodwill and inspires readers to try new things, like chocolate cake or the book, How to Remodel a Man. Read more...

Readers respond...

“Your sharing puts many things into perspective and I can even laugh, realizing that life brings moments of every kind and that all human beings on earth go through the same things.”

“Every day I look forward to opening my email to see what is happening in your life. Funny how reading something you probably think is so normal, can make readers feel like we know you well, and are reading something from a friend. It is a very nice feeling, and I am so glad I found the link to the daily book club on my local library’s web site!”

“Not only have you turned me on to an amazing number of good reads, but I look forward almost as much to your ‘Dear Reader’ column. I feel like I know you. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and of course the occasional recipes.”

“I signed up for the online book club sort of absent mindedly when I was trying to figure out when I need to return some of my books back to library. I kept deleting most of your columns or skipping ahead to try and read the book ignoring what you had to say. A few weeks back I was sort of frustrated with something at work, and opened your mail and started reading your little story of the day. All I can say is now I am hooked and my work day starts with your email. It helps me a lot and makes me laugh at many things that I would have reacted differently to. I don't know what is it that I like, but it's just fun and keeps me smiling.”

“I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I enjoyed reading your priceless, Chicken Salad column. You made my morning! I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.”

©2005 -             1002 S. Orange Ave.,  Sarasota, Florida 34236             941-373-0700